Monday, June 20, 2005

Now you don't

Now you see it

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Done and Done

That makes an even 30 photos from the Disneyland trip. Just be glad I didn't post all 115; I know I am.

walking boots

will takes hold

a long day

candy shop window

watching the wheels

fiftieth Tink

shop of wonders

lighted balcony

row of lights

stars in trees

and the rest of the viewers

partial to standing

waiting for magic

attracts attention

alice liddell

the rare and beautiful star flower

ship mates

framed mountain

row of heads

portal to pirates

of Indiana Jones

our jungle vessel

distracted lunchers

birthday cake castle

bare necessities

a different view

behind the scenes

enter Posted by Hello

the warm-up Posted by Hello

Waiting to go in Posted by Hello

Disneyland Ahoy

Some photos journalling my trip to old D-land.